
Hi, I'm Martin Luther Obahor, a software developer with strong focus on the user experience, animations and micro interactions

memoji of gianmarco

About me

Hi, I'm Martin Luther, a front-end software developer from Nigeria.
My primary tools of choice includes:
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Vue
  • Astro
  • Nextjs
  • Nuxtjs

Beyond coding, I'm passionate about cybersecurity, reading books, evening strolls, and staying curious about new technology.

While I have some preferred tools, I always choose the best one for the job, even if it's not on my usual list. My goal is to find the right solution for each project.

Let's start working together!

Contact Details


+234 8154124189



Time zone


Coming Soon

Selected Projects

Currently working as freelancer

Also a Part-time Cyber Security Student

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